Short stories from all Lebanese regions

Different shapes of useful skills

The soap-making classes are one of the many initiatives launched by “Egna Legna”.
While bonding in a safe-space, the project aims at empowering women with useful skills that will enable them to be self-supporting on return home.

The “Kafala system” in Lebanon explained

What exactly is the Kafala System? Why don’t migrant domestic workers benefit from the Lebanese Law of Labor? How can this system come to an end or be reformed? The answers of a Lebanese lawyer and human rights activist.

Mariam, against all odds

Mariam jumped through the window of her employer’s house, saving herself from sexual harassment. Navigating the hardships of undocumented work, she started building an initiative to break the cycle of an unjust system.

Standing for ourselves

Tsigereda and Dagafetch came from Ethiopia to deceived promises of work in Lebanon. Thrown into a place where nothing seemed to protect them from abuse, they became part of an initiative launched by migrant domestic workers and for them.

The shattered dreams of Mahmoud Mohammad

Mahmoud is a Palestinian who left Syria in 2013 and went to Lebanon to study computer sciences. The situation of the Palestinian refugees camp forced him to work in a phone store…

Laila who is denied the right to medical care

Laila is young woman from Tripoli who could not enter to a hospital for a procedure for lack of identification. She had to borrow her cousin’s ID and impersonate her to have access to hospitalization, which put her life in grave danger.

Abdallah who has nothing but the sea

Abdallah is a young man from Bab al-Tabbeneh in Tripoli. His parents never registered their marriage, so he grew up stateless. After numerous failed attempts to obtain the Lebanese nationality, he found no one to resort to, so he took to the sea.

Qamar who was raped by a “powerful” man

Qamar (pseudonym) is girl in her early 20s. After being offered help on her statelessness case by a prominent lawyer, Qamar met with him in his office. Rather than a helping hand, she found a rapist who took advantage of her vulnerability.

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A media platform that aims at strengthening the use of multimedia storytelling in journalistic production.
The stories published on the platform were produced by young journalists and content creators who were trained by the StoryLeb team.
The project benefitted from the financial assistance of the European Commission within the framework of the project Shabab Live, a joint project of Deutsche Welle Akademie, Arab Resource Center for popular Arts and Al Khatt.

Executive Editor: Ibrahim Charara
Multimedia Supervision: Fourate Chahal El Rekaby
Editing: Rida Hariri, Sabah Jalloul
Development: Jaafar Charara, Rawan Houri
Design: Ibrahim Charara
English Translation: Sabah Jalloul, Rawan Mokdad

“This platform has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Commission within the framework of the project Shabab Live, a joint project of Deutsche Welle Akademie, Arab Resource Center for popular Arts and Al Khatt. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of StoryLeb and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Commission or the project partners”.

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A media platform that aims at strengthening the use of multimedia storytelling in journalistic production.
The stories published on the platform were produced by young journalists and content creators who were trained by the StoryLeb team.
The project benefitted from the financial assistance of the European Commission within the framework of the project Shabab Live, a joint project of Deutsche Welle Akademie, Arab Resource Center for popular Arts and Al Khatt.

Executive Editor: Ibrahim Charara
Multimedia Supervision: Fourate Chahal El Rekaby
Editing: Rida Hariri, Sabah Jalloul
Development: Jaafar Charara, Rawan Houri
Design: Ibrahim Charara
English Translation: Sabah Jalloul, Rawan Mokdad

“This platform has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Commission within the framework of the project Shabab Live, a joint project of Deutsche Welle Akademie, Arab Resource Center for popular Arts and Al Khatt. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of StoryLeb and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Commission or the project partners”.

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A media platform that aims at strengthening the use of multimedia storytelling in journalistic production.
The stories published on the platform were produced by young journalists and content creators who were trained by the StoryLeb team.
The project benefitted from the financial assistance of the European Commission within the framework of the project Shabab Live, a joint project of Deutsche Welle Akademie, Arab Resource Center for popular Arts and Al Khatt.

Executive Editor: Ibrahim Charara
Multimedia Supervision: Fourate Chahal El Rekaby
Editing: Rida Hariri, Sabah Jalloul
Development: Jaafar Charara, Rawan Houri
Design: Ibrahim Charara
English Translation: Sabah Jalloul, Rawan Mokdad

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“This platform has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Commission within the framework of the project Shabab Live, a joint project of Deutsche Welle Akademie, Arab Resource Center for popular Arts and Al Khatt. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of StoryLeb and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Commission or the project partners”.

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