Mohamad, who cannot see, assembled an archive of computed games and a phone repertory for the visually impaired. This earned him the nickname of “Ogero number 2” in his region of Nabatiyeh (Ogero is is the fixed infrastructure operator in Lebanon). But, in search for life conditions that would account for his specificity while granting him a dignified life, he is now seeking to immigrate far from Lebanon.
Mahdi Dirani
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Mohamad, who cannot see, assembled an archive of computed games and a phone repertory for the visually impaired. This earned him the nickname of “Ogero number 2” in his region of Nabatiyeh (Ogero is is the fixed infrastructure operator in Lebanon). But, in search for life conditions that would account for his specificity while granting him a dignified life, he is now seeking to immigrate far from Lebanon.
Mahdi Dirani
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A media platform that aims at strengthening the use of multimedia storytelling in journalistic production.
The stories published on the platform were produced by young journalists and content creators who were trained by the StoryLeb team.
The project benefitted from the financial assistance of the European Commission within the framework of the project Shabab Live, a joint project of Deutsche Welle Akademie, Arab Resource Center for popular Arts and Al Khatt.
Executive Editor: Ibrahim Charara
Multimedia Supervision: Fourate Chahal El Rekaby
Editing: Rida Hariri, Sabah Jalloul
Development: Jaafar Charara, Rawan Houri
Design: Ibrahim Charara
English Translation: Sabah Jalloul, Rawan Mokdad
“This platform has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Commission within the framework of the project Shabab Live, a joint project of Deutsche Welle Akademie, Arab Resource Center for popular Arts and Al Khatt. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of StoryLeb and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Commission or the project partners”.
A media platform that aims at strengthening the use of multimedia storytelling in journalistic production.
The stories published on the platform were produced by young journalists and content creators who were trained by the StoryLeb team.
The project benefitted from the financial assistance of the European Commission within the framework of the project Shabab Live, a joint project of Deutsche Welle Akademie, Arab Resource Center for popular Arts and Al Khatt.
Executive Editor: Ibrahim Charara
Multimedia Supervision: Fourate Chahal El Rekaby
Editing: Rida Hariri, Sabah Jalloul
Development: Jaafar Charara, Rawan Houri
Design: Ibrahim Charara
English Translation: Sabah Jalloul, Rawan Mokdad
“This platform has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Commission within the framework of the project Shabab Live, a joint project of Deutsche Welle Akademie, Arab Resource Center for popular Arts and Al Khatt. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of StoryLeb and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Commission or the project partners”.
منصة إعلامية تهدف إلى تعزيز استخدام مهارات السرد القصصي الرقمي في الانتاج الصحافي. القصص المنشورة في المنصة من انتاج صحافيين/ات وصانعي/ات محتوى شباب من جميع المناطق اللبنانية، تم تدريبهم/ن وتوجيههم/ن من قبل فريق StoryLeb.
يندرج StoryLeb ضمن مشروع Shabab Live وينفذ بالشراكة مع أكاديمية دويتشه فيله (DW Akademie) ومنظّمتي “الجنى” و”الخط”، بتمويل من الاتحاد الأوروبي ودعم من وزارة الخارجية الألمانية.
محرر تنفيذي: إبراهيم شرارة
وسائط متعددة: فرات شهال الركابي
تحرير: رضا حريري، صباح جلول
تطوير تقني: جعفر شرارة، روان الحوري ابو النصر
تصميم: إبراهيم شرارة
الترجمة إلى الإنكليزية: صباح جلول، روان المقداد
تم إطلاق هذه المنصة بمساعدة مالية من المفوضية الأوروبية في إطار مشروع شباب لايف (Shabab Live)، وهو مشروع مشترك بين “أكاديمية دويتشه فيله” و”مركز الموارد العربي للفنون الشعبية” و”الخط”. محتوى هذه المنصة هو مسؤولية StoryLeb وحده ولا يمكن بأي حال من الأحوال اعتباره يعكس موقف المفوضية الأوروبية أو شركاء المشروع.
The subjects of the stories published on the StoryLeb platform were chosen by the young journalists and media creators who participated in the first training session of the project.
This project benefitted from the financial assistance of the European Commission within the framework of the project Shabab Live, a joint project of Deutsche Welle Akademie, Arab Resource Center for popular Arts and Al Khatt. The content of this video is the sole responsibility of StoryLeb and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Commission or the project partners.
A media platform that aims at strengthening the use of multimedia storytelling in journalistic production.
The stories published on the platform were produced by young journalists and content creators who were trained by the StoryLeb team.
The project benefitted from the financial assistance of the European Commission within the framework of the project Shabab Live, a joint project of Deutsche Welle Akademie, Arab Resource Center for popular Arts and Al Khatt.
Executive Editor: Ibrahim Charara
Multimedia Supervision: Fourate Chahal El Rekaby
Editing: Rida Hariri, Sabah Jalloul
Development: Jaafar Charara, Rawan Houri
Design: Ibrahim Charara
English Translation: Sabah Jalloul, Rawan Mokdad
“This platform has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Commission within the framework of the project Shabab Live, a joint project of Deutsche Welle Akademie, Arab Resource Center for popular Arts and Al Khatt. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of StoryLeb and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Commission or the project partners”.